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Contact us on:
07817 444 188
11+ Mock Exams
Dates and Times for 2020
All mock exams will be taking place at Collaton St Mary Parish Rooms
Collaton St Mary Parish Rooms,
Blagdon Road,
Collaton St Mary,
Paignton, Devon TQ3 3YA

21st March
18th April
2nd May
16th May
6th June
20th June
4th July
18th July
8th Aug
12th Sept
All exams take place on a Saturday and will begin at 9.30am prompt. We pride ourselves on creating a real 11+ exam feel and so there will be two CEM style mock exams, lasting between 50 minutes and 1 hour each. Each paper will be a mix of verbal reasoning, non-verbal reasoning and maths.
If you would like to book for any of the above exams then please email or call us.
You will the receive full booking confirmation once we have confirmed payment.
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